Copyright Policy

Welcome to We are committed to providing valuable, accurate information on U.S. zip codes and demographics. To protect both our content and our users, we have established this copyright policy. By using our website, you agree to comply with the following guidelines and respect our intellectual property rights.

Quick Summary of Copyright Guidelines

Use Case Permitted Conditions
Personal Use ✔️ Non-commercial, for personal research
Sharing on Social Media ✔️ Link back to original content
Commercial Use Requires written permission
Republishing Entire Articles Not allowed without explicit consent
Quoting (under 50 words) ✔️ Must include clear attribution
User-Generated Content ✔️ Subject to licensing terms

1. Ownership of Content

All content on, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, logos, articles, blog posts, and data, is the property of, unless otherwise stated. This content is protected under international copyright laws and treaties.

We put substantial effort into creating and curating the information available on our platform. This means that all original content found here is subject to copyright protection. Any unauthorized use of our content, including copying, redistribution, or republication, may result in legal action.

2. Permitted Uses of Our Content

We want to support the appropriate use of our content while ensuring it is properly credited. The following types of use are generally permitted:

  • Personal Use: You may use our content for personal, non-commercial purposes. For example, you may view our zip code data or demographic information for personal research or education.

  • Social Sharing: You are allowed to share links to our website on social media platforms, provided the links lead back to the original page on We encourage you to share our articles, but please avoid reposting the content in its entirety on other platforms.

  • Attribution Required: If you wish to quote a small section of text from our website (under 50 words), you may do so, but you must provide proper attribution with a clear link back to the original content on

3. Prohibited Uses of Our Content

While we encourage the appropriate sharing of our information, certain activities are strictly prohibited:

  • Reposting: You are not allowed to repost entire articles, blog posts, or large sections of our content without prior written permission.

  • Commercial Use: Our content cannot be used for commercial purposes without our consent. This includes selling, licensing, or distributing our data for profit.

  • Modifying Content: You are not permitted to alter or edit the original content in a way that could mislead others about the source of the information.

  • Framing or Scraping: You are prohibited from using any technology or automated process to scrape, frame, or extract data from without written permission. This includes using bots or other means to gather data for external use.

4. Copyright Infringement Procedures

We take copyright infringement very seriously. If we discover that our content is being used without permission, we will take immediate action to protect our intellectual property rights. This may include:

  • Issuing DMCA takedown notices to websites that infringe on our copyright.
  • Pursuing legal remedies for damages caused by the unauthorized use of our content.

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been used on without authorization, please contact us here with the following information:

  1. A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed.
  2. A description of where the material is located on our website.
  3. Your contact details, including your name, address, telephone number, and email address.
  4. A statement from you asserting that you believe, in good faith, that the use of the copyrighted material is not authorized.
  5. A statement that the information provided is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

5. User-Generated Content

From time to time, we may allow users to submit content, such as comments or reviews. While we value your contributions, please note the following guidelines:

  • By submitting content to, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, and display your content in any media format.

  • You retain ownership of your content but agree that we have the right to use it in any manner we see fit.

  • You are responsible for ensuring that any content you submit does not infringe on the rights of others, including copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property rights.

6. Attribution for Third-Party Content

While most of the content on is original, we may occasionally use third-party content or public domain data to supplement our articles. In such cases, we provide proper attribution and adhere to any licensing requirements. We respect the work of others and expect our users to do the same.

7. How to Request Permission for Use

If you wish to use our content for purposes not covered under the "Permitted Uses" section, we ask that you contact us for permission. We are generally open to collaboration and may allow certain uses under specific conditions. To request permission, please email us here and provide the following information:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The content you wish to use
  • The intended use (personal, educational, commercial, etc.)
  • Where and how the content will be used (website, printed material, etc.)

We will review your request and respond as promptly as possible.

8. Legal Consequences of Copyright Violation

Violating copyright laws can have serious consequences. Unauthorized use of our content may lead to the following legal actions:

  • Civil lawsuits: We may file a lawsuit seeking damages for the unauthorized use of our copyrighted materials. This can result in monetary penalties.

  • Injunctions: A court may issue an injunction to stop the continued use of copyrighted content.

  • Criminal charges: In extreme cases, copyright infringement may lead to criminal charges, which can result in hefty fines or even imprisonment.

We reserve the right to pursue all available legal remedies to protect our content and intellectual property.

9. How to Report Copyright Violations

We rely on our users to help us maintain the integrity of our content. If you come across any website, publication, or platform using our content without proper permission or attribution, we encourage you to report it to us immediately. Your assistance helps us safeguard our content and ensure that it is used in accordance with this policy.

To report a copyright violation, please contact us here with the following information:

  • The URL or location of the alleged infringement
  • A brief description of how our content is being used without permission
  • Your contact information in case we need further details

10. Changes to This Copyright Policy

We may occasionally update this copyright policy to reflect changes in copyright laws or our internal practices. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect our content and intellectual property.

The most recent update of this policy will be indicated at the top of this page. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please feel free to reach out to us here.

Thank you for respecting the content and intellectual property of