Caguas, PR ZIP Codes – United States

The Caguas, PR has 3 different ZIP Codes. Use the map below to find your specific ZIP Code.

ZIP CodeType
00726P.O. Box

Postal Zone of Caguas, PR

The map below displays the ZIP Codes of Caguas, PR. Feel free to zoom in or explore your specific ZIP Code.

Caguas, PR Demographic Information

General Information

  • Location: Caguas is located in the United States


  • Race: The population of Caguas is predominantly Hispanic or Latino (95.2%) with significant populations of White (4.1%) and Black or African American (0.5%) individuals.
  • Age: The median age in Caguas is 37.6 years, with the largest age group being 25 to 29 years old, followed by 30 to 34 years old.
  • Gender: The gender distribution of Caguas is about even, with 49.8% of the population being female and 50.2% being male.

Economic Information

Median Household Income$18,446
Unemployment Rate9.7%

Cities near Caguas, PR


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