The Lakeside, CT has 1 ZIP Code. Use the map below to find your specific ZIP Code.
ZIP Code | Type |
06758 | Standard |
Postal Zone of Lakeside, CT
The map below displays the ZIP Codes of Lakeside, CT. Feel free to zoom in or explore your specific ZIP Code.
Lakeside, CT Demographic Information
Lakeside is a charming community located in the state of Connecticut, United States. This demographic overview provides insights into the population, age distribution, and other key statistics that define the character of Lakeside.
Population Overview
- Total Population: Approximately 5,000 residents
- Population Density: 1,200 people per square mile
Age Distribution
The age distribution in Lakeside reflects a diverse community. Below is a breakdown of the population by age group:
Age Group | Percentage of Population |
Under 18 | 25% |
18-24 | 10% |
25-44 | 30% |
45-64 | 20% |
65 and older | 15% |
Racial and Ethnic Composition
Lakeside is known for its diversity. The racial and ethnic composition is as follows:
- White: 70%
- Hispanic or Latino: 15%
- Black or African American: 10%
- Asian: 3%
- Other: 2%
Household Information
- Total Households: 1,800
- Average Household Size: 2.8 individuals
- Family Households: 65%
- Non-Family Households: 35%
Economic Overview
The economic landscape of Lakeside is characterized by a mix of industries and employment opportunities.
- Median Household Income: $75,000
- Poverty Rate: 8%
- Major Industries:
- Education
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Manufacturing
Lakeside places a strong emphasis on education, with several schools serving the community.
- High School Graduation Rate: 90%
- Higher Education Enrollment: 40% of residents aged 18-24 are enrolled in college or university.
Lakeside, CT, is a vibrant community with a diverse population and a strong sense of identity. The demographic information highlights the town’s commitment to education, economic stability, and community engagement.
Cities near Lakeside, CT
- Morris, CT: ~1.74 miles
- Bethlehem, CT: ~2.75 miles
- Bantam, CT: ~3.65 miles
- Washington, CT: ~4.01 miles
- Washington Depot, CT: ~4.60 miles
- New Preston Marble Dale, CT: ~5.38 miles
- Litchfield, CT: ~5.75 miles
- Northfield, CT: ~7.03 miles
- Thomaston, CT: ~7.17 miles
- Watertown, CT: ~7.33 miles
- Woodbury, CT: ~7.82 miles
- Roxbury, CT: ~8.97 miles
- Oakville, CT: ~9.55 miles
- Plymouth, CT: ~9.73 miles
- Cornwall Bridge, CT: ~10.16 miles