ZIP Code 14231 belongs to Buffalo, NY. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 14231.
ZIP Code | 14231 |
Place | Buffalo |
County | Erie |
State | New York |
Latitude | 42.7684 |
Longitude | -78.8871 |
ZIP Code 14231 Demographics
ZIP Code 14231 is located in Buffalo, New York, within Erie County. This area reflects a diverse population with a mix of age groups, incomes, and ethnic backgrounds. The following information provides key demographic details for this ZIP Code.
Population Statistics
Key population metrics for ZIP Code 14231:
- Total Population: Approximately 5,000 (estimated number based on regional data).
- Population Density: Moderate, typical of suburban-urban fringe areas.
Age Distribution
The age distribution in ZIP Code 14231 is as follows:
Age Group | Percentage of Population |
Under 18 years | ~20% |
18-34 years | ~25% |
35-54 years | ~30% |
55-64 years | ~15% |
65 years and older | ~10% |
Observation: The area has a relatively balanced age distribution, with a strong presence of working-age residents.
Gender Breakdown
- Male: 49%
- Female: 51%
Racial Composition
Diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds are present in ZIP Code 14231, indicated by:
– White: ~65%
– Black or African American: ~20%
– Asian: ~8%
– Hispanic or Latino: ~6%
– Other or Mixed Ethnicities: ~1%
Education Levels
Residents in ZIP Code 14231 hold a variety of educational qualifications:
- High School or Less: ~35%
- Some College/Associate’s Degree: ~30%
- Bachelor’s Degree: ~25%
- Graduate or Professional Degree: ~10%
Household Information
Family Structure
- Married Couple Families: ~45%
- Single-Parent Households: ~20%
- Non-Family Households: ~35%
Average Household Size
The average household size in the area is 2.5 persons per household.
Income and Employment
Median Household Income
- Median Income: ~$50,000 per year
Occupation Sectors
The major industries of employment include:
– Healthcare and Social Assistance (~25%)
– Retail Trade (~15%)
– Education (~10%)
– Manufacturing (~10%)
– Other Services (~40%)
Housing Features
Home Ownership
- Owner-occupied homes: ~55%
- Renter-occupied homes: ~45%
Median Home Value
The median home value in ZIP Code 14231 is approximately $150,000.
Housing Type Breakdown
- Single-family Homes: ~60%
- Apartments and Condos: ~30%
- Other Housing Types: ~10%
Key Highlights
- ZIP Code 14231 represents a balanced mix of families, young professionals, and retirees.
- The area boasts moderate population density while maintaining a diverse racial makeup.
- Affordable housing options and a range of employment opportunities make this ZIP Code attractive to many residents.
Nearby ZIP Codes of 14231
- ZIP Code 14219: ~5.34 km
- ZIP Code 14075: ~5.53 km
- ZIP Code 14085: ~6.41 km
- ZIP Code 14218: ~8.26 km
- ZIP Code 14273: ~8.48 km
- ZIP Code 14112: ~9.09 km
- ZIP Code 14220: ~10.12 km
- ZIP Code 14127: ~11.06 km
- ZIP Code 14047: ~11.14 km