ZIP Code 35288 – United States

ZIP Code 35288 belongs to Birmingham, AL. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 35288.

ZIP Code35288

ZIP Code 35288 Demographics

Area Overview
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Population: 70,022

Population Breakdown
Age Distribution

0-18: 22%

19-65: 64%

65+: 14%
Population Density: 3,196/sq mi

Ethnic Composition
White: 61.2%

African American: 27.8%
Hispanic or Latino: 6.9%
Asian: 2.9%
Other: 1.2%

Household Data
Average Household Size: 2.53

Married-Couple Families: 51%

Lone Parent Families: 32%

Non-family households: 17%

High School Graduates or Higher: 86%

Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 27%

Income and Employment
Median Household Income: $51,084
Unemployment Rate: 6.6%

Top Industries: Healthcare, Retail Trade, Manufacturing

Social and Community
Average Commute Time: 26 minutes

Homeownership Rate: 55%

Public Transit Use: 1.3%

Social Services: Food pantries, mental health clinics, and community centers are available

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