ZIP Code 35462 – United States

ZIP Code 35462 belongs to Eutaw, AL. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 35462.

ZIP Code35462

ZIP Code 35462 Demographics


ZIP Code 35462 is located in Eutaw, Alabama. This area is characterized by its rich history and diverse community. Below is a detailed breakdown of the demographics associated with this ZIP code.

Population Statistics

  • Total Population: Approximately 2,500 residents
  • Population Density: 300 people per square mile

Age Distribution

  • Under 18 years: 30%
  • 18 to 24 years: 10%
  • 25 to 44 years: 25%
  • 45 to 64 years: 20%
  • 65 years and older: 15%

Racial Composition

  • African American: 70%
  • White: 25%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 3%
  • Other Races: 2%

Economic Overview

  • Median Household Income: $30,000
  • Poverty Rate: 25%
  • Employment Rate: 60%

Education Levels

  • High School Graduate or Higher: 75%
  • Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 15%

Housing Information

  • Total Housing Units: 1,200
  • Owner-Occupied Housing: 60%
  • Renter-Occupied Housing: 40%

Key Highlights

  • Community Services: Eutaw offers various community services, including public schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational areas.
  • Cultural Heritage: The area is known for its historical significance and cultural events that celebrate local traditions.

Table of Demographic Data

Demographic CategoryPercentage/Value
Total Population2,500
Median Household Income$30,000
Poverty Rate25%
High School Graduate75%
Bachelor’s Degree15%
African American70%
Hispanic or Latino3%
Owner-Occupied Housing60%
Renter-Occupied Housing40%


ZIP Code 35462 in Eutaw, Alabama, reflects a vibrant community with a diverse population and a mix of economic challenges and educational achievements. The demographics highlight the area’s unique characteristics and community spirit.

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