ZIP Code 36310 – United States

ZIP Code 36310 belongs to Abbeville, AL. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 36310.

ZIP Code36310

ZIP Code 36310 Demographics

City: Abbeville

Total Population: Number of people residing in the area is 2,231.

White: 82.5%
African American: 16%
Native American: 0.4%
Asian: 0.4%
Pacific Islander: 0%
Other Race: 0.6%
Two or more races: 1%
Hispanic or Latino: 10%
Not Hispanic or Latino: 90%

Age Distribution:
Under 18 years: 21.3%
18-24 years: 7.5%
25-44 years: 22.3%
45-64 years: 31.1%
65 years and Over: 18%
Median Age: 44.1 years

Housing Information:
Total Housing Units: 1,142

High School Diploma: 15.5%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 27%
Unemployment Rate: 6.7%

Median Income (Individual): $31,528
Median Household Income: $46,250

ZIP Code 36310 serves the city of Abbeville, a rural community located within Henry County in the southeastern portion of Alabama. It’s an area predominantly inhabited by a stable, aging population with a sizable presence of people with a high school diploma. Residents have varying levels of education and income, with slightly less than one-third of households earning a bachelor’s degree or higher. Despite the low unemployment rate, the medium income level ranks slightly below the national average for such areas. Due to its diverse population, the city embraces various cultural backgrounds while maintaining a strong sense of community.

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