ZIP Code 36532 – United States

ZIP Code 36532 belongs to Fairhope, AL. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 36532.

ZIP Code36532

ZIP Code 36532 Demographics

Demographic Profile

  • Location: ZIP Code 36532 belongs to Fairhope, which is in Baldwin County, Alabama, United States
  • Population: Approximately 15,000 residents
  • Racial Makeup: Predominantly White (78.9%) population, with significant African American (16.4%) and Hispanic/Latino communities (5.7%)
  • Age Distribution: Median age: 44 years, with a considerable presence of seniors (21.7% over 65)
  • Housing: Majority-owned homes (72.8%), with a homeownership rate above the national average, indicating a stable residential area

Economic Overview

Median Household Income$73,358
Per Capita Income$31,266
Unemployment Rate4.3%
Education Attainment (25+)33% with Bachelor’s degree, 15% with advanced degree

Social and Community Factors

  • Education: Fairhope is known for its well-regarded school system, contributing to an educated population and community engagement
  • Cultural Attractions: Fairhope’s picturesque downtown area, featuring numerous art galleries and unique shops, cater to visitors and residents alike, boosting the local economy
  • Community Involvement: Higher participation rates in local civic and charitable organizations, reflecting a socially conscious and tightly knit community

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