ZIP Code 36543 – United States

ZIP Code 36543 belongs to Huxford, AL. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 36543.

ZIP Code36543

ZIP Code 36543 Demographics

Huxford, United States


  • Estimated Population: Approximately 1,000 residents
  • Population Density: Slightly lower than the national average

Demographic Composition

  • Age: Primarily middle-aged adults with a notable senior population
  • Gender: Balanced gender ratio with equal representation
  • Ethnicity: Predominantly Caucasian; minorities include African American and Hispanic populations

Economic Factors

  • Median Income: Relatively lower than the national median
  • Poverty Rate: Slightly higher than the national average
  • Employment: Primarily in agriculture and small business sectors

Educational Statistics

  • Schools: A single elementary school and a high school
  • Graduation Rate: Slightly below the national average
  • Educational Attainment: Most residents have completed high school with a smaller percentage obtaining college degrees

Social Dynamics

  • Community: Close-knit and supportive, with a strong sense of local identity
  • Family: Traditionally oriented, with multigenerational families common
  • Social Services: Sparse availability of services, with residents relying on nearby communities

Miscellaneous Information

  • Climate: Typical southern U.S. climate with hot summers and mild winters
  • Landmarks: Notable landmarks include a small historical museum and a community park

  • [Table Info] Population Breakdown by Age
    | Age Range | Percentage |
    | Under 18 | 20% |
    | 18-35 | 20% |
    | 36-65 | 45% |
    | 65+ | 15% |

  • [Table Info] Primary Industries
    | Industry | Contribution |
    | Agriculture | 30% |
    | Manufacturing | 15% |
    | Retail/Hospitality | 25% |
    | Service Industries | 30% |

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