ZIP Code 86556 belongs to Tsaile, AZ. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 86556.
ZIP Code | 86556 |
Place | Tsaile |
County | Apache |
State | Arizona |
Latitude | 36.3071 |
Longitude | -109.2176 |
ZIP Code 86556 Demographics
General Information
Primary City: Tsaile, AZ
County: Apache
Land Area: 216.73 square miles
Water Area: 0.99 square miles
Population Statistics
Total Population: 2,845
Population by Age Group
Age Group | Percentage |
Under 5 years | 10.2% |
5 to 17 years | 28.1% |
18 to 64 years | 54.1% |
65 years and over | 7.6% |
Median Age: 22.3 years
Gender Distribution
Male Population: 48.3%
Female Population: 51.7%
Racial Composition
Majority Race: American Indian (87.1%)
Racial Breakdown:
– American Indian: 87.1%
– White: 7.3%
– Hispanic or Latino: 4.3%
– Other Races: 1.3%
Household Information
Total Households: 647
Average Household Size: 3.69 people
Family Households
Percentage of Family Households: 76.4%
Average Family Size: 4.1 people
Non-Family Households
Percentage of Non-Family Households: 23.6%
Average Non-Family Size: 1.98 people
Total Housing Units: 810
Housing Occupancy
- Owner-Occupied: 68.2%
- Renter-Occupied: 31.8%
- Vacancy Rate: 29.6%
Income and Economy
Median Household Income: $16,250
Per Capita Income: $7,880
Poverty Rate: 43.4%
High School Graduation Rate: 74.2%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 5.3%
In Labor Force: 58.9%
Unemployment Rate: 9.7%
Social Characteristics
- Married Population: 35.1%
- Single Population: 64.9%
Cultural and Community Aspects
- Dominant Cultural Influence: Navajo Nation
- Languages Spoken: Primarily Navajo and English
Key Takeaways
- Ethnicity: Predominantly Native American (specifically Navajo)
- Economic Challenges: High poverty rate and relatively low median income
- Young Population: Median age significantly lower than the national average
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