ZIP Code 86556 – United States

ZIP Code 86556 belongs to Tsaile, AZ. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 86556.

ZIP Code86556

ZIP Code 86556 Demographics

General Information

Primary City: Tsaile, AZ
County: Apache
Land Area: 216.73 square miles
Water Area: 0.99 square miles

Population Statistics

Total Population: 2,845

Population by Age Group

Age GroupPercentage
Under 5 years10.2%
5 to 17 years28.1%
18 to 64 years54.1%
65 years and over7.6%

Median Age: 22.3 years

Gender Distribution

Male Population: 48.3%
Female Population: 51.7%

Racial Composition

Majority Race: American Indian (87.1%)

Racial Breakdown:
American Indian: 87.1%
White: 7.3%
Hispanic or Latino: 4.3%
Other Races: 1.3%

Household Information

Total Households: 647
Average Household Size: 3.69 people

Family Households

Percentage of Family Households: 76.4%
Average Family Size: 4.1 people

Non-Family Households

Percentage of Non-Family Households: 23.6%
Average Non-Family Size: 1.98 people


Total Housing Units: 810

Housing Occupancy

  • Owner-Occupied: 68.2%
  • Renter-Occupied: 31.8%
  • Vacancy Rate: 29.6%

Income and Economy

Median Household Income: $16,250
Per Capita Income: $7,880
Poverty Rate: 43.4%


High School Graduation Rate: 74.2%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 5.3%


In Labor Force: 58.9%
Unemployment Rate: 9.7%

Social Characteristics

  • Married Population: 35.1%
  • Single Population: 64.9%

Cultural and Community Aspects

  • Dominant Cultural Influence: Navajo Nation
  • Languages Spoken: Primarily Navajo and English

Key Takeaways

  • Ethnicity: Predominantly Native American (specifically Navajo)
  • Economic Challenges: High poverty rate and relatively low median income
  • Young Population: Median age significantly lower than the national average

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