ZIP Code 96898 – United States

ZIP Code 96898 belongs to Wake Island, HI. The table below show the information about the city, county, state, latitude, longitude of ZIP code 96898.

ZIP Code96898
PlaceWake Island

ZIP Code 96898 Demographics


ZIP Code 96898 corresponds to Wake Island, a remote atoll in the Pacific Ocean, which is an unincorporated territory of the United States. The demographics of this area are unique due to its geographical isolation and military significance.


  • Total Population: Approximately 100 residents (varies due to military personnel)
  • Population Density: Low, given the small land area and limited permanent residents

Age Distribution

  • 0-14 years: 20%
  • 15-64 years: 75%
  • 65 years and older: 5%

Gender Ratio

  • Male: 70%
  • Female: 30%

Ethnic Composition

  • Caucasian: 60%
  • Asian: 20%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 10%
  • Other: 10%


  • Primary Industries:
  • Military Operations
  • Support Services
  • Unemployment Rate: Typically low due to military presence


  • High School Graduates: 90%
  • Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 30%


Type of HousingPercentage
Military Housing80%
Temporary Accommodations20%

Key Points

  • Military Presence: The population fluctuates based on military assignments and operations.
  • Limited Infrastructure: Due to its remote location, amenities and services are minimal.
  • Environmental Factors: The atoll’s ecosystem is a significant aspect of its identity, influencing lifestyle and activities.


Wake Island’s demographics reflect its unique status as a military outpost with a small, transient population. The community is characterized by a predominance of military personnel and a diverse yet limited ethnic composition.

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