ZIP Code 96932 belongs to Hagatna, GU. The map below highlights the boundaries of this postal region.
City | Hagatna, GU |
Names to Avoid | Agana |
Timezone | Guam (GMT +10:00) |
Classification | PO Box |
Coordinates | 13.4744, 144.7478 |
State | Guam |
Postal Zone for ZIP Code 96932
The map displays the ZIP Code 96932 in Hagatna, GU. Feel free to zoom in or explore the surrounding areas for more detailed information.
ZIP Code 96932 Demographics
Overview of Hagatna, GU
Hagatna, the capital city of Guam, is a vibrant area with a mix of cultural and historical significance. The ZIP Code 96932 encompasses a diverse population that contributes to the unique character of this region.
Population Composition
Age Distribution
- Children (0-14 years): 18%
- Youth (15-24 years): 15%
- Adults (25-64 years): 50%
- Seniors (65 years and over): 17%
Gender Ratio
- Male: 49%
- Female: 51%
Ethnic and Racial Makeup
- Chamorro: 37%
- Other Pacific Islander: 23%
- Asian: 22%
- White: 8%
- Black or African American: 2%
- Mixed or Other: 8%
Household Information
Household Types
- Family Households: 65%
- Non-family Households: 35%
Average Household Size
- 3.5 persons
Economic Profile
Income Levels
- Median Household Income: $45,000
- Per Capita Income: $17,000
Employment Sectors
- Public Administration: 30%
- Retail Trade: 20%
- Education and Health Services: 15%
- Hospitality and Food Services: 12%
- Other: 23%
Education Attainment
- High School Graduate or Higher: 85%
- Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 22%
Language Proficiency
- English Speakers: 75%
- Chamorro Speakers: 15%
- Other Languages: 10%
Housing Characteristics
Home Ownership
- Owner-occupied Homes: 54%
- Renter-occupied Homes: 46%
Median Home Value
- $250,000
Summary Table
Category | Details |
Population | Diverse with Chamorro majority |
Age Range | Balanced across all age groups |
Median Household Income | $45,000 |
Education | 85% high school graduate or higher |
Languages | Predominantly English-speaking |
Home Ownership | 54% owner-occupied |
This demographic snapshot of ZIP Code 96932 highlights Hagatna’s unique blend of cultural heritage, economic sectors, and community living, reflecting its significance as Guam’s capital.